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Top Secret Tips for English Success

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The ESL Commando

Top Secret Tips for English Success

Best iPad Apps for ESL Teachers #2 – Skitch


Skitch is a great app for making drawings, mock-ups, diagrams, etc.
Skitch Logo

I personally like to use it in conjunction with ShowMe, which I will talk about in a later post.
As an ESL teacher, I like Skitch because it has elegant text, arrows, and writing capabilities that allow for professional looking presentations.  You can take snapshots of webpages, use camera roll photos, create new blank pages and more.
So, here are some quick uses for Skitch.
1)  Make a vocab map.  What I do with my iPad is download a wallpaper related to a unit of interest (i.e. Mountains). Then, I go ahead and use arrows and text in Skitch to show vocabulary on the picture. This is a great feature for lower level teachers who need their students to visualize vocabulary. Click here for an example.
2) Make an instruction map.  Take a snapshot of a webpage and show students where they need to click in order to register, get a login, etc.
3) Annotate a student’s paper.  You can use the draw feature after you have taken a picture of a students work and then write your comments or use text to do so.
4) Sync with Evernote Trunk and add audio to your comments on a student’s paper.
5) Create a classroom picture for substitutes. You can take a picture of your class, type in the students’ names, and then give it to a sub on their email the day you can’t be there.

These are just a few quick uses for Skitch, and I’m sure you can think of more. Please comment below and let me know how you use Skitch!

Here are some other apps you may like…

Apps for ESL/Language teachers.

  1. Evernote
  2. Skitch
  3. Flashcardlet
  4. CloudOn
  5. ShowMe
  6. DropMind Lite
  7. MailVu
  8. AppsGoneFree
  9. VoiceThread
Do you have any apps to add? Please comment and let me know about any that you use regularly and how you use them!



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