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The ESL Commando

Top Secret Tips for English Success

English Video Discussion – Off Grid Living


The term “off grid” means only using electricity from renewable sources and living in the forest, building your own home, growing your own food and more. This trend has become very popular in American culture recently, and it is an interesting idea to see if our students would enjoy this type of lifestyle.

Off Grid Living

Pre Discussion:

  1. What would you do without electricity? How would you feel about it?
  2. Would you have better or worse relationships?
  3. Would you like to grow your own food?
  4. What if you had to build your own house, could you do it?

Post- Discussion:

  1. What were some of the good things that the woman stated about off grid living?
  2. What were some of the challenges?
  3. Do you think they will continue this lifestyle?
  4. After watching, do you think you would have the same challenges, or would you do better than them?
  5. Why do you think the “off grid” trend is becoming so popular with many Americans?

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